Online Education

Wheelchair Accessibility In The Home

Table of content

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  1. Wheelchair Accessibility
  2. Objectives
  3. Considerations
  4. The Client
  5. The Client - measurements (1)
  6. The Client - measurements (2)
  7. The Client - measurements (3)
  8. The Client - measurements (4)
  9. The Family - Important questions
  10. The Site - Three zones
  11. Outdoor Space
  12. Parking Area
  13. Driveway to Entrance
  14. Entrance
  15. Ramps
  16. Ramps - Slope
  17. Ramps - Features
  18. Ramps - Landings
  19. Ramps - Surface
  20. Ramps - Foundation
  21. Porch Lifts
  22. Porch Lifts - Features
  23. Alternate Entrance
  24. Doors (1)
  25. Doors (2)
  26. Multi-Level Home
  27. Elevating Devices - Stairglides (1)
  28. Elevating Devices - Stairglides (2)
  29. Elevating Devices - Stairlifts
  30. Elevating Devices - Elevator
  31. Hallways - Width
  32. Hallways - Features
  33. Hallways - Video
  34. Doorways - Clearance
  35. Doorways - Handles
  36. Bathroom
  37. Toilet Transfers
  38. Toilet Height
  39. Toilet Grab Bars - Features
  40. Toilet Grab Bars - Position
  41. Sink and Vanity - Access
  42. Sink and Vanity - Access
  43. Sink and Vanity - Considerations
  44. Bathing and Showering
  45. Bathtub Transfers (1)
  46. Bathtub Transfers (2)
  47. Wheel-In Shower Stall
  48. Showers
  49. Bathroom
  50. Kitchen
  51. Kitchen Layouts (1)
  52. Kitchen Layouts (2)
  53. Kitchen Storage (1)
  54. Kitchen Storage (2)
  55. Kitchen Storage (3)
  56. Kitchen Storage (4)
  57. Kitchen Sink (1)
  58. Kitchen Sink (2)
  59. Kitchen Sink (3)
  60. Work Surfaces (1)
  61. Work Surfaces (2)
  62. Work Surfaces (3)
  63. Dining Table
  64. Cooking
  65. Cooking on the Stove (1)
  66. Cooking on the Stove (2)
  67. Cooking in the Oven (3)
  68. Cooking in the Oven (4)
  69. Kitchen
  70. Bedroom (1)
  71. Bedroom (2)
  72. Bedroom (3)
  73. Living Room (1)
  74. Living Room (2)
  75. Living Room (3)
  76. Laundry Room
  77. Funding Sources (1)
  78. Funding Sources (2)
  79. Funding Sources (3)
  80. Resource List
  81. References
  82. Acknowledgements
  83. Contact Information